Difference Between Prim’s and Kruskal’s Algorithm | Prims's Vs Kruskal's Algorithm

Prim’s Algorithm Kruskal’s Algorithm It begins with a Node. It begins with an edge. It starts to build the…

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Difference Between Proactive and Reactive Routing Protocols

In the ever-evolving landscape of networking, understanding the intricate differences between Proactive and Reactive Routing Protocols is pivotal. Th…

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Difference between Cellular Network and Ad Hoc Network | Cellular Network Vs Ad Hoc Network

Cellular Network Ad Hoc Network There is a fixed Infrastructure. Infrastructures. Circuit Switching is used. …

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Difference between SCSI and IDE | SCSI vs. IDE

SCSI IDE Stands for Small Computer System Interface. Stands for Integrated Drive Electronics. Supports a m…

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Difference Between Process and Thread

Process Thread A program in execution. Part of a process. Heavy weight and take more resources. L…

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Difference Between Multiprogramming and Multiprocessing

Multiprocessing Multiprogramming It refers to processing of multiple processes at same time by multiple CPUs. Keeps s…

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Difference Between 8085 and 8086 Microprocessor

8085 Microprocessor 8086 Microprocessor 8 bit microprocessor. 16 bit microprocessor. 16 bit Address Bus. …

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Difference Between NP-Hard And NP-Complete

NP-hard NP-complete NP-hard is the class of decision problems to which all problems in NP can be reduced to in polynomial…

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Difference Between Gantt Chart vs PERT Chart

Gantt Chart PERT Chart Developed and introduced by Henry Gantt in 1917. Stands for Program Evaluation and Review Techniq…

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